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毕业院校:大邱加图立大学 #2Y*&x*b大学




2010~至今:毛发移植, 额头缩小



- 毛发移植学会(ISHRS) 正式会员

- 大韩整形外科学会(KSPRS) 终身会员

- 大韩美容整形外科学会(KSAPS) 正式会员

- 大韩整形外科学会毛发整形研究会 正式会员

- 大韩毛发移植学会(KSHRS) 正式会员




大韩毛发移植学会(KSHRS) 常任学术理事

大韩整形外科医师会 学术委员




2011. 11. 第69届 大韩整形外科学会 学术大会


Correction of unnatural hairline from hair transplantation surgery using a hair removal laser

2012. 9. 第6届 大韩整形外科学会 毛发移植研究会 定期研讨会


Using single follicles divided from multi-hair FU for natural result

2013. 3. 2013年 大韩外科学会 蔚山外科分会 - 邀请演讲 

散发魅力 从'毛'开始 

2013. 5. 第3届大韩毛发移植学会学术大会


Preoperative laboratory testing for detecting infectious diseases

2013. 10. 23. ISHRS 21th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, USA

Using single follicles divided from multi-hair follicular unit for natural result in Asians

2014. 1. 27. 大韩毛发移植学会 第9届 毛发移植研究会

2013 ISHRS Morbidity & Mortality Conference Review

2014. 4. 26. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2014

Hair: Facial Contouring by Hair Transplantation Session - Solutions for complications

2014. 5. 11. 第4届 大韩毛发移植学会 学术大会

2015. Surgical Assistant Program - 毛囊植入过程

2014. 9. 29. 大韩毛发移植学会 12届 毛发移植研究会

Journal Review - Are hair transplants permanent?

2014. 10. 11. ISHRS 22th Annual Scientific Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Various Cases of Secondary Female Hairline Corrections for Unsatisfied Results

2014. 11. 9. 2014 KSPRS International

Reconstruction of shifted sideburns after face lift

2015. 3. 29. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2015

Female hairline lowering with hair transplantation

2015. 5. 10. 第5届 毛发移植学会 学术大会

Surgical assistant program - 毛囊分离与储存及植入过程

2016. 3. 13. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2016

Simultaneous hairline correction with reduction foreheadplasty and FUE hair transplantation

2016. 9. 19. 19届毛发移植学会座谈会


2016. 10. 24. 第8届 大韩整形外科学会 毛发整形研究会 研讨会

Reduction foreheadplasty sparing deep branch of supraorbital nerve; hair transplantation at the same time

2016. 11. 18. PRS KOREA 2016 (大韩整形外科学会创立50周年纪念学术大会)

Female hairline correction with hair transplantation and reduction foreheadplasty (simultaneously or separately)

2017. 5. 20. The 9th Daegu Oriental Blepharoplasty and Periocular Cosmetic Surgery Symposium

Hairline Lowering with Reduction Foreheadplasty (Live surgery)

2017. 10. 6. ISHRS 2017 25th World Congress, Prague, The Czech Republic

Simultaneous Correction of Female Hairline Using Supraorbital Nerve Sparing Reduction Foreheadplasty with FUE Hair Transplantation

2017. 10. 15. 2017年16届 大韩整形外科医师会 秋季研修讲座

Female hairline correction

2017. 11. 11. PRS Korea 2017

Femal hairline correction with FUE

2018. 3. 6. 大韩整形外科学会 抗老化整形研究会 研讨会


2019. 4. 7. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2019

How to design a female hairline

2019. 5. 19. International Congress of the KSHRS 2019

Tips to Make Natural Hairline on Design and Implantation

2021. 7. 11. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2021

Changing the Direction of Hair in Hairline Correction

2021. 10. 10. 16届釜山美容整形研讨会(BAPS)


2021. 10. 21-23. ISHRS 29th World Congress, Lisbon, Portugal

Histological Analysis for the Cause of Kinky Hair after Hair Transplantation

2021. 11. 28. 2021 10届大韩毛发移植学会 学术大会

毛发移植手术后出现的扭曲毛发(kinky hair)原因的组织学分析

2021. 12. 4. 2021 Asia Pacific Anti-Aging Conference

Histological Analysis for the Cause of Kinky Hair after Hair Transplantation

2022. 2. 20. 大韩整形外科学会微创研究会(MIPS) International Aesthetic Joint Conference

Female hairline correction with hair implanter

2022. 8. 11. 11届大韩毛发移植学会 学术大会

Single hair preparation: FUE vs FUSS

2022. 8. 11. 11届大韩毛发移植学会学术大会

Surgical Assistant Program, 视频授课-额头缩小

2022. 11. 13. PRS Korea 2022

The Correlation between the Diameter of the FUE Punch Tip and the Scar

2023. 5. 14. 12届大韩毛发移植学会 学术大会

Video (Panel Discussion) - Clinical pearls to achieve best results and happy patients :


2023. 11. 12. PRS Korea 2023

Does Hair Transplant Surgery Really Need Trichophytic Sutures?

2023. 11. 19. 13届大韩毛发移植学会 学术大会

低温等离 子体消毒器

2024. 6. 1. 14届大韩毛发移植学会 学术大会

Video session; Female hairline correction with FUSS

2024. 6. 2. 14届大韩毛发移植学会 学术大会

Consideration of Scar from Reductive Foreheadplasty


2021. 10. 21-23. ISHRS 29th World Congress, Lisbon, Portugal

Best Methodology CSI Presentation Award

Histological Analysis for the Cause of Kinky Hair after Hair Transplantation

2021. 6. 2. 14届大韩毛发移植学会学术大会


Female hairline correction with FUSS


2012 ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery) Research Grant

Comparison between the survival rate of original single follicular units and single follicles divided from two or three-hair units



Unger's 모발이식 Hair Transplantation 5th edition, 가본의학, 2012


How I do it: Handy tips for slit depth control

Hair Transplant Forum Int'l. 2013; 23(2): 63

Comparison between the survival rate of original single follicular units and single follicles divided from two or three-hair units

Hair Transplant Forum Int'l. 2014; 24(2): 50

Post-traumatic neuroma after hair transplantation

Dermatol Surg. 2015 Sep;41(9): 1090-1

Histological Analysis for the Cause of Kinky Hair after Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplant Forum Int'l. 2022; 32(1): 8







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